Antonio Garibay

Arrest Date:
Witness Intimidation – F
Indecent Exposure – M
Malicious Injury to Property – M
I’ve said it before, and i’ll say it again. The second you start helicoptering your penis, you’ve lost the argument.
Garibay was arrested after allegedly kicking, punching and throwing his bike at a woman’s car. He was also allegedly “…grabbing his penis and waiving it in a helicopter-like motion”
Police arrived on scene to find several small dents in the car. Unknown if they were caused by the fist, foot, bike or penis.
During his arrest, Garibay allegedly looked over at his accuser and shouted “Fuck you too, bitch” as well as other profanities in both English and Spanish. If you’re keeping score, that’s how he got his felony witness intimidation charge.
Garibay told police the woman actually hit him with her car as he was crossing an alleyway. This made him angry so he threw his bike at the car and “Flashed her”.