Thought we’d try something new at Boise News Dispatch. Let me know if you like it. Below is the full narrative description of the high speed chase that occurred earlier this week in Canyon County. The description comes from the Affidavit of Probable Cause issued by one of the Canyon County deputies who led the pursuit. Keep in mind, i rewrite these documents by hand so any deviations from the original text are likely mine, and inadvertent.
On January 2nd at approximately 1830 hours [a Canyon County Sheriff’s deputy] responded to an attempt to locate of a vehicle that was westbound on Homedale road in Canyon County. The Canyon County dispatch center advised that a dark navy blue Mazda with a lockbox hanging from the window was all over the road and almost went out into a field. The vehicle was westbound on Homedale Road from Wagner Road. The dispatch center also gave information that the vehicle had paper license plate that were from Team Mazda [a Mazda car dealership in Caldwell]. The Caldwell Police Department was working an in-progress theft of a Mazda CX-9. I asked the dispatch center if the ATL could be related to CPD’s in-progress vehicle theft case. Deputy [name removed] informed me that the stolen vehicle from Caldwell was dark gray. I had reasonable suspicion to believe that the ATL vehicle could be the stolen Mazda. i was at the intersection of Notus Road and Simplot blvd. i informed dispatch that I would attempt to intercept the Mazda at Homedale Rd and Van Slyke Rd. Officer [name redacted] from the Wilder Police Department would be staged at Homedale rd and Garnet rd. I advised officer [name redacted] that Homedale rd was closed at Van Slyke rd. I arrived at the intersection of Van Slyke and Homedale rd. I did not see any vehicles approaching so I turned eastbound on Homedale road.
i was monitoring CPD’s radio traffic and heard that they were in pursuit with a Mazda Cx9, Gray in color. CPD’s pursuit was southbound on Plum rd from Homedale rd. CPD continued this pursuit down Plum rd to Lowell rd. The pursuit went eastbound on Lowell rd and then southbound on Sunny Slope rd. I was on Sunny Slope rd I could see the pursuit just ahead of me. CPD discontinued their pursuit on Sunny Slope rd and Marsing rd. CPD advised that the Mazda had crossed the Snake River bridge and was now in Marsing. I turned off my overhead emergency lights and pulled off of Sunny Slope road and onto the right shoulder.
I saw a bright flash in Marsing and the city went black (no lights). I assumed that Mazda had crashed in Marsing. I was advised by that the dispatch center that the Mazda was now northbound back toward Canyon County. I saw the gray Mazda traveling North on Sunny Slope rd and two Owyhee County patrol cars were in pursuit of the Mazda. One of the Mazda’s head lights had been damaged and was not working. I turned around and activated my overhead emergency lights. I joined the pursuit at this time. The Mazda continued northbound on Sunny Slope rd. Officer [redacted] from Wilder Police Department had set up spike stripes at Sunny Slope and True rd. At this time my top speed was 89 miles an hour. I heard officer [redacted] call out good spike (meaning that the Mazda had run over the spike strips). the Mazda continued northbound on Sunny Slope rd. I took over the lead pursuit vehicle at this time replacing the Owyhee County deputies. i began to call out the pursuit i.e. speed, road conditions, traffic, and direction of traffic.
the Mazda slowed its speed down to 55 to 60 mph. The Mazda was near Lowell rd and it went into oncoming traffic. I advised the dispatch center that the Mazda was driving in the southbound lane of travel. I advised the dispatch center of this development. The Mazda was throwing sparks and car parts. Speed at this moment in the pursuit was 60 to 64 mph. the Mazda continued northbound in the southbound lane and as it neared pear lane it came back into the northbound lane. Vehicle parts and sparks were still coming off the Mazda. The Mazda crossed boy northbound lane of Sunny Slope and went off of the roadway and onto the right shoulder of the road. I was still in the lead of the pursuit with two Owyhee deputies behind me. I was still calling the pursuit. As the Mazda approached Hoskins rd it crossed all of the northbound lanes and was traveling northbound in the southbound lane. The Mazda appeared that in may have hit the guardrail. The Mazda came back into the right-hand lane and now was traveling eastbound on Karcher road. the Mazda increased its speed in this section of Karcher road. My top speed in the area of Karcher rd and Pride lane was 77 mph. I continued to call the pursuit. Deputy [redacted] said he would turn around and he would call the pursuit. The Mazda slowed down near the intersection of Chicken Dinner rd and now was at 48 mph. There were spikes and vehicle parts coming off of the Mazda. The Mazda was straddling the center line of Karcher rd at this time. I asked the dispatch to incoming units shut down cross roads and diverted traffic on Karcher road. I was still calling out the pursuit at this time. As the Mazda approached Wagner rd it went into the eastbound lane of Karcher for a short distance. the Mazda was traveling approximately 65 to 70 miles an hour and was all over the roadway due to its tires being deflated from the spike strips.
The Mazda continued eastbound on Karcher road. CPD had shut down cross traffic on Farmway rd. The traffic had picked up in this section of Karcher as we approached the city limits of Caldwell. I was advised by [CPD Corporal] to discontinue the pursuit if the Mazda entered Caldwell City limits. The Mazda went through the intersection of Farmway rd and continued eastbound on Karcher rd. Large parts of the Mazda were falling onto the roadway at this time. The Mazda made a u-turn just west of the intersection of Karcher and south 10th ave. I followed the Mazda and made a u-turn as well. As I turned around my push bumper impacted the rear of the Mazda. I was not attempting to ram the Mazda and it is unknown if the Mazda was attempting to run into me. The contact damaged my push bumper.
the Mazda was now traveling westbound on Karcher road. The Mazda was swerving between patrol cars and was crossing into oncoming traffic. CPD had opened the Farmway intersection and an influx of traffic was now eastbound on Karcher rd. the Mazda caused a 2009 Ford f-150 to drive off the roadway and out into a field. This caused minor damage to the Ford.
There were several vehicles between me and the Mazda at this time. As I approached the intersection of Karcher and Farmway rd I observed a large amount of smoke. The Mazda had collided with a Nissan Titan pickup in the intersection. The Nissan had severe read-end damaged and the two occupants sustained minor injuries and were transported to West Valley Medical Center. The Mazda continued westbound on Karcher for a quarter of a mile before it could not continue due to damage. The Mazda had struck several power poles on Karcher rd just west of Farmway rd. the Mazda was on the right shoulder of the road.
I pulled in behind the Mazda and exited my patrol car and conducted a felony stop. Several Canyon County deputies, Owyhee County deputies, Homedale PD also were performing th felony stop on the Mazda. the driver of the Mazda would not exit the vehicle and had been given several commands to exit with hands up. The female driver exited and she was taken into custody. An officer from the Nampa Police Department arrived and deployed his apprehension K9 into the Hazda. He did this because it was unknown if there was another occupant inside.
The female was secured in the back of a Homedale Police unit. I met her and gave her her Miranda Warning. I began to ask her questions. She would not answer any of my questions. She did provide her name and date of birth. i had Canyon County paramedics examine Rihari. She was transported to St Alphonsus in Boise.
ISP is writing the crash. She was taken into custody after being released from the hospital.